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The Road to Recovery with Tara

Tara: Welcome

About Me


I'm Tara. I live in Denver, Colorado with my husband, baby and 3 dogs. I started this community with an old friend named Glenda. We came together with a common interest; to work on our wellness. 

The journeys that brought us together are different. Mine is one of recovery. Last year in the midst of the pandemic, l had a baby boy. I had an emergency c-section the first week of April. My due date was June 30. 

Pregnancy was not the dream that I had planned. I think I had every side effect imaginable. I have chronic hypertension and I've had it since I was 18. It is hereditary. I don't fit the profile for the numbers that I run. I didn't know at the time, but high blood pressure during pregnancy could prove fatal for mother and baby.

I had preeclampsia during pregnancy and at 27 weeks and 4 days, when the doctors saw that the baby was no longer growing and my placenta was failing, they decided it was time for a birthday. The fear was that my blood pressure was climbing so high that I would have a stroke or worse, die. I remember driving myself to the ER and checking in, my blood pressure was 218/100. I felt completely fine and I had been resting, watching tv for a few hours prior. The crazy thing was that my blood pressure would rise when I was sleeping. 

During the c-section, I lost a little over a liter of blood. My blood pressure again had been rising and the doctors had ordered an iv for the medicine. I had a terrible reaction and felt extremely cold, shivering uncontrollably. There was a quick response team called in and my husband stood back and counted 22 people that rushed in to work on me. Some fluid had gotten into my lungs, so then I was tested for Covid and the room was locked down with the team for 45 minutes. 

Luckily I tested negative. I still did require 12 liters of oxygen for the next 2 days. It was difficult to walk, sleep, breathe and on top of that, they took our son to the NICU before I could even lay eyes on him. They headed me straight to the ICU and my son went to the NICU, leaving my husband to go home solo at 2am. His whole world was staying at the hospital. 

I am active and a huge fan of healthy eating. I teach Tahitian dance classes. I have seen many, many doctors to find out why I have chronic hypertension. I refuse to believe that it is just genetic. I recently started Yoga Teacher Training, where I am learning about my body. 

This community is for anyone with a goal being wellness. We are here to learn, teach, listen, support and continue to elevate our wellness. 

Tara: About

All About Jessie Kay

One of my passions is Tahitian Dancing. This is actually how I had met Glenda and became close friends. We both support each other and continue to learn and practice our dancing as well.

I have always thought that the next generation is extremely important and it is our social responsibility to invest. I have recently started to create videos to teach kids how to learn Tahitian Dancing. I'd decided to do this when a friend asked for some tips for her daughter's dancing. I thought, if I can make a tutorial for her, that would probably be best. Her daughter also inspired me to dress up, as she was decked out from head to toe.

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Tara: About
Utilizing 32 Count Fitness Combos to create a Tahitian Fitness Based Warm-Up in class! #aerobics
Taparuru #tahitiandancing #tahitiandance #basicdancemoves
Practice…practice…practice!  #tahitidancefitness #dance #faarapu #polynesiandance #tahitiandancing
Tahitian Dance Combo with Live Tahitian Drumming #tahitiandancing #hitoto
Basic Beginner Tahitian Dance Combo w/Pahae Tahitian Drum Beat #tahitidancefitness #tahitiandance
Practice of warm-up to a beginner Tahitian Dance Combo using the beat Bora Bora #tahitiandance
‘Ori Tahiti (Freestyle Dance) -An impromptu dance performance using Tahitian Dance Combos and Pehe
LED Spinning Performances #dance #sivaafi #polynesiandance #spinning #ledlights
Tara: Videos
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